Search Syntax
Syntax Overview
Searches are constructed using nested JSON arrays of filters and boolean predicates. Here is an example of a simple filter:
["member_field:foo", "eq", "bar"]
A filter is composed of one or more parts. The first part is always a filter term. In general, a filter term maps directly to a field in the results. A filter term can accept an argument (the :foo in the example above) that will have different meanings for different filter terms. If the filter has more than one part, the second part is always an operator. The remaining parts are arguments for the operator. Different operators will have different arguments, but will always have at least one.
In addition, filters can be nested using boolean predicates. Here’s an example of a nested query:
["member_field:foo", "eq", "bar"],
["member_since", "in last", {"day": 5}]]
This example will return all members who joined in the last 5 days and have their member_field foo set to bar. The available boolean predicates and examples of their use are below.
There are a bunch of operators available:
- eq and =: Basic equality. Example: ["member_field:some_string_field", "eq", "bar"]
- lt and <: Less than. Example: ["member_field:some_numeric_field", "lt", 5]
- gt and >: Greater than. Example: ["member_field:some_numeric_field", "gt", 5]
- between: Between. Takes two arguments. Example: ["member_field:some_numeric_field", "between", 5, 10]
- in last and in next: Relative date. Takes an interval (explained below). Example: ["member_since", "in last", {"day": 4}]
- datematch: Match a date argument. All parts of the date must match. Example: ["member_since", "datematch", {"year": 2011}]
- contains: Match a string against a shell-glob-style expression. Example: ["member_field:some_string_field", "contains", "*foo*"]
- in: Match a field against a list of values. Example: ["member_field:some_number_field", "in", 3, 4, 5, 6]
- any: Match a given value against an array field. Example: ["member_field:some_array_field", "any", "ten"]
In addition to these basic operators, there is one advanced operator available:
- zip-radius:n: where n can be one of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 50. Takes a single zip code which will be the center of the search. Example: ["member_field:some_zipcode_field", "zip-radius:10", "97202"] will return all members with a zip_code_field within 10 miles of 97202.
An interval is defined as a hash that contains one or more of the following keys:
- year
- month
- day
- hour
- minute
- second
For example, {"year": 2, "day": 4} would specify an interval of two years and four days.
A date is defined as a hash that contains one or more of the following keys:
- year
- month
- day
- hour
- minute
- second
- dow (day of week)
For example, {"day", 31} would match the 31st of every month with a 31st day, while {"dow": 2} would match every Tuesday. Sunday is 0.
Boolean Predicates
Boolean predicates operate on one or more nested clauses. These predicates are available:
- and: All clauses must be true. Example: ["and", ["member_field:foo", "eq", 1], ["member_field:bar", "eq", 2]]
- or: At least one clause must be true. Example: ["or", ["member_field:foo", "eq", 1], ["member_field:bar", "eq", 2]]
- not: The single nested clause must not be true. Example: ["not", ["member_field:foo", "eq", 1]]
Filter Terms
In general, every key in the result records can be used as a filter term. Just use the key as the filter term. For example, to filter on send_start, you’d say ["send_start", "gt", "2011-12-15"]. In addition, there is a large set of advanced filter terms for filtering members:
- opened, clicked, shared, forwarded. Will match on the timestamp of the corresponding response if it exists. All of these filter terms also allow a mailing_id as an argument (i.e. opened:12345 matches if they opened mailing 12345.
- member_field:x where x is the short name of a member field. You can also use x by itself without member_field:.
- group. Will match the name of a member group. Takes the special operators defined (belongs to any group) and undefined (does not belong to any group).
- received Will match if the member received a mailing. Takes an optional mailing_id argument. If not given, will match if the member has received any mailing.
- clicked link. Will match if the member has clicked on a link. Takes an optional link_id argument. If not given, will match if the member has clicked on any link.
- manage: Will match if the member has manged their preferences. Optionally takes a date filter on the timestamp of the manage action. Optionally takes a signup_form_id argument. Example: ["manage:1234", "in last", {"day", 30}].
- unsubscribed: Will match if the member has unsubscribed. Optionally takes a date filter on the timestamp of the opt-out action. Optionally takes a signup_form_id filter argument.
- unsubscribed mailing: Will match if the member has unsubscribed. Optionally takes a date filter on the timestamp of the opt-out action. Optionally takes a mailing_id filter argument.
- bounced: Will match if the member had either a soft or hard bounce. Optionally takes a date filter on the timestamp of the bounce. Optionally takes a mailing_id filter argument.
- email_user: Will match on the user portion of the member’s email address
- email_domain: Will match on the domain portion of the member’s email address
- email: Will match on the member’s entire email address
- signup: Will match if the member has signed up. Optionally takes a date filter on the timestamp of the signup action. Optionally takes a signup_form_id filter argument.
- signup_mailing: Will match if the member has signed up. Optionally takes a date filter on the timestamp of the signup action. Optionally takes a mailing_id filter argument.